Are you really that terrible?

I found myself pondering this a few days ago:

Am I really such a horrible person, that God cannot even stand to look at me?

I was raised in a Christian home, and the Christian line of thinking seems to indicate that we’re all just terrible, horrible people that God can’t even look at. We’re that bad. Having been separated from the Christian way of thinking, this question came to me the other day. I mean, what is it that I’ve done, that is really so bad? Now, I’m not saying that I’m a saint, or that I’m completely without sin, but…

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Judaism and Conversion Part 1

I don’t believe I’ve ever specified my current position in the Jewish world. It’s been a while since my last blog entry and since I’m too lazy to re-read all of my old posts right now, I’ll just state it here. I was raised in a fairly strict Christian home, became an Atheist during / after college, then after having children, decided religion was something that was important and had value after all. After months and months of thinking, pondering, and research, I decided two things:

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Things to steal

I’m over thirty years old now, and I often find myself thinking, Wow, if thieves broke into my home, they’d just leave. I literally have nothing valuable even worth stealing. I mean, sure, my wife and I both have fairly decent computers, that’s something. But not really what I’m talking about. I want to have a secret safe hidden behind a picture with valuable…..things……in it. But what valuable things? What do people have that’s so valuable that it’s actually worth keeping in a safe?

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My first Yom Kippur, tips and thoughts

So, was definitely NOT fully prepared for my first Yom Kippur. Part of the problem was that my wife and I had decided ahead of time, that we were not going to honor the liquid fast this year. Then, at the last moment, we each individually decided that there was no point in doing things halfway, and changed our minds. Now even so, there was time to be more prepared, so here are tips to you (and me) for next year:

1. Eat a complex carb meal right before. We actually had a very large meal, but I’m not sure any of it was complex (and thus longer laster).

2. Drink A LOT of water! This is where we fell down. We were very dehydrated the next day, but this could have been lessened by drinking lots of water the day prior.

3. Shower and hygiene shortly before sunset. You’re not going to be able to later, and I think you’ll be pretty happy about taking the time to do this.

4. Make sure you have canvas shoes and a non-leather belt already. Otherwise, you’ll be rushing to the store just before sunset instead of following the other tips here!


Now, my general thoughts about the big day. First, for any non-jews reading this, Yom Kippur is the Day Of Atonement. It’s the day that we’re pleading for God to forgive our sins. Now, certainly we do this every single day (praying three times a day as sin sacrifice offerings), but this is the day that we’re trying to get any outstanding sins forgiven for the entire year. It’s a big deal.

So here’s the thing. I really think that we’re much too dressed up on this day. In Torah, people are always wearing sack-cloth during times of repentance. It’s a good outward sign of how we should be feeling, humble and distressed. People were showing up to synagogue in suit+tie and such. Still fairly dressed up. I personally, do not like this. I actually wonder if there’s a synagogue somewhere that would turn you away if you showed up like that. I may do some research and find out. I like my shul, but, I would go to a different shul on Yom Kippur if I could find one that believed more closely to the way that I do.

Eating & drinking fast. I wasn’t sure how I felt about this. But, I think it’s important now. I never realized how difficult it was not to drink for an entire day. The eating, honestly, wasn’t a big deal for my wife or myself. Sure we got hungry a few times, but we were prepared more for that. It was the not drinking. At one point, I had almost decided to break the water fast. But then, I felt really REALLY pathetic about it. I thought, what pathetic kind of person doesn’t have the will-power to go without food and drink for a single day? How pathetic am I, if I cannot will myself to do this, even for a single day? At the least, it got me thinking a little bit about our counterparts in other parts of the world (or perhaps the homeless right here in our city) that have to deal with thirst and hunger regularly. I think, if anything, once I good tzedaka going, it will be to make sure that the poor are fed. Everyone should at LEAST have access to water to drink if not some type of food to sustain themselves.

I understand if you do not agree with anything that I’ve said here and also would like to start pointing out that my thoughts and ideas are not representative of the entire Jewish population. Don’t hate all Jews just because you disagree with one of MY viewpoints.


Nature trail, Pics

We went to a state park nearby. I’m not sure that I’ve ever been to a state park, so I wasn’t really sure what to expect. For some reason, I suppose I expected it to be mostly the same as a normal park. Well, yeah. It’s not.

First, we walked along a nature trail (paved) lined on both sides by row after row of walnut trees.

One actually dropped a few feet ahead of us while we were walking! As you can see, the trees are fairly tall, so after this, I was constantly on guard, waiting for one of these large walnut shells to drop from eighty feet in the air and land on my head. Praise the lord, it never happened to any of us.

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Getting out of a funk

Are you here because you just don’t have anything better to do? Do you not really even want to be here, but being here is simply better than being nowhere? Do you ever stare at your TV/computer/space, WANTING almost CRAVING something exciting to do, but nothing comes to mind? You could watch TV, but you don’t feel like it. You could play video games, but you don’t feel like it. You could do quite a few things, but you just don’t feel like it.

The real problem, is that you don’t feel like doing anything, but you DO NOT want to do nothing! You want to do something, but really, you actually don’t want to. You want some exciting, challenging, amazing experience TO JUST HAPPEN. Of course, you know nothing’s going to happen, and this depresses you.

So, does this sound familiar? Is this you? This is me, on occasion and I would be curious to know if others ever feel this way. Ever feel this burning desire to do…something…but nothing seems to work out. Either you can’t afford the things that you want to do, or the things you want to do are out of season (the concert was last night, dinner theater isn’t for three more days, etc….).

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God and nature

One of my beliefs, is that God has created a set of laws, that I think we typically refer to as nature. Maybe that’s not right, nature is nature. Natural laws? Is that better? I promise, someday I’ll find more time to more thoroughly cite and research these topics. But for now, you’ll just have to put up with it. So, natural laws. We’re basically talking about things like gravity, evaporation, surface tension, etc..

Now to continue my thought, God has created a set of laws, and he doesn’t step outside the bounds of the laws that he has created very often. We can take it for granted that the sun will rise every morning, and set every evening. That basic laws of nature / physics will continue to be true and not suddenly change on us. And, I think God is bound by these laws. Not because he has to be, but because he has decided to be.

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Secret Jewish Superpowers?

So, I do a search on Jewish Thinking, and what I come up with is a large number of anti-Semitic sites. I can sum up these sites for you:

1. Jews are evil

2. Jews are inbred

3. The world is pretty much controlled by Jews. We have Obama in our pocket (if you didn’t know).

4. We’re murderers, thieves, powerful & corrupt politicians

5. All of our political organizations are whiny, crying people that are seeking attention / complaining whining enough to finally be heard by people in power who are listening to these political groups (which confuses me, I thought we WERE the ones in power according to #3).

So, here’s the deal. I have no idea where this is coming from. I would like to be enlightened. The only Jews I know are good people that just go to synagogue and pray for their country and for the rest of the world to live in peace. I can’t lie and say that I understand what is happening in Israel, but my experience with Jews is not what I read about online. Far from it, it’s the opposite. Now, that said,  I’m sure some Jews are bad. Some <insert any group name here> are bad too. That doesn’t make the entire group bad.

I would like it if someone could list off a few Jewish Terrorist organizations. I’m actually curious if there are any. Take this as a challenge. Can you list any? Don’t say Israel. Terrorist organizations, I define, by not being a military. Military organizations attack military targets. Terrorist organizations kill civilians, basically for political reasons, or just to get their name in the news. Feel free to correct me.

Sorry for bringing up such a *touchy* topic, I just don’t understand where these views come from. I’d like more info.


So I ate a Frisco today

I’ve decided it must have been some kind of test, and probably I failed it. I always fail these kinds of tests. Let’s go over the entire story. It starts off easy enough. It starts with me, forgetting to bring my lunch. Fairly harmless. So, after working late, 2pm rolls around, and I’m fairly hungry. I decide…surely I’ve earned eating out. I rarely ever eat out, so today is the day! Spicy chicken from Wendy’s!  Woohoo! Sure, it’s not Kosher meat, but it doesn’t have cheese on it, and ..well…I like Spicy Chicken and it falls into my current religious diet. I haven’t specifically sworn off of meat, or onto Kosher meat, I just don’t eat pork, and I don’t eat meat and cheese together. So, spicky chicken is just fine!

Now, I start on my way and as soon as I turn onto the main street….completely backed up. We’re not going anywhere! No problem! I know where another Wendy’s is (every good Wendy’s addict does)!!!!  So I make a turnaround and head the opposite direction! Now, only slightly irritated, I’m back on track. Until I look in my rear view mirror and see….you guessed it..a police officer. Not that I have anything against police officers, I just don’t care for them driving directly behind me! Keeping in mind that I NEVER speed intentionally, the only time really that I’m ever above the speed-limit, is by complete accident.

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The Atheism religion

It’s a religion, right? THey believe in evolution, millions of years old chimp bones that they know nothing about really. Isn’t that faith? Isn’t it true that they have to have God in order to denounce him? I mean, without God, there is no Atheism, because..who are you saying doesn’t exist? Why even waste time talking about it at all? And, how much exactly does an atheist think about or spend talking about God? Reading religious books in order to be able to refute them?

AT first, I thought that I couldn’t refute most of Atheism, or evolutionism, because I’m just not an expert in that field. But the truth is, isn’t there a problem with founding your religious beliefs on science? Science doesn’t actually prove anything, per se. It is about coming up with a theory and trying to disprove that theory. Over time, you decide that it must be some percentage of truthful if noone has been able to disprove it after all this time, but does that really PROVE anything? Or is it that everything you believe in may have simply not been disproven yet? Let’s go ahead and talk about neutrinos. I’m not one to use a single solitary thing to prove a point. Understand that this is only one bit of information and in no way proves anything. In most cases, you need multiple pieces of ‘proof’ to really prove something.

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