The Atheism religion

It’s a religion, right? THey believe in evolution, millions of years old chimp bones that they know nothing about really. Isn’t that faith? Isn’t it true that they have to have God in order to denounce him? I mean, without God, there is no Atheism, because..who are you saying doesn’t exist? Why even waste time talking about it at all? And, how much exactly does an atheist think about or spend talking about God? Reading religious books in order to be able to refute them?

AT first, I thought that I couldn’t refute most of Atheism, or evolutionism, because I’m just not an expert in that field. But the truth is, isn’t there a problem with founding your religious beliefs on science? Science doesn’t actually prove anything, per se. It is about coming up with a theory and trying to disprove that theory. Over time, you decide that it must be some percentage of truthful if noone has been able to disprove it after all this time, but does that really PROVE anything? Or is it that everything you believe in may have simply not been disproven yet? Let’s go ahead and talk about neutrinos. I’m not one to use a single solitary thing to prove a point. Understand that this is only one bit of information and in no way proves anything. In most cases, you need multiple pieces of ‘proof’ to really prove something.

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99.9% certain?

So, recently I attended a debate between a minister, a rabbi, and an atheist. One thing that the atheist said struck me as odd. He seemed to allude (elude?) to the fact that he was 99.9% sure of himself. But in science, there’s always a 0.01% chance for error. I couldn’t help but think….really? I never would have expected the percentage to be so high. Some background about me. I’m a software engineer (soon to be a software consultant, but that’s another post). I grew up christian, became atheist for about 3 years during / preceeding college. Maybe a little longer. Then after lots of thinking and seaching, have settled on Judaism. I don’t ask anyone to believe anything that I say at this point, because with all these changes, I must seem wishy-washy. I wouldn’t believe me.

But, understand this. When I was an atheist, I never would’ve considered myself more than 60% certain. Honestly, I don’t rate anything that I think I know that highly. Here’s anĀ adageĀ from the software world, You can only prove the existence of bugs in software, not the absence of them. No matter how hard we test, we can’t prove that software is bug free. Ever. Why? Because bugs are an unknown. You can’t come up with evidence. Religion is similar. You can’t come up with evidence to prove there is a God. You can’t come up with evidence to prove there isn’t one either though. We have things that SUGGEST an existence or nonexistence, but nothing that proves. When you don’t have sufficient evidence, I can’t say I understand being able to claim 99.9% accuracy.

Basically, after that statement, he lost all credibility with me. I was, in fact, interested in his ideas and beliefs. Not because I’m looking to become atheist, but I’m interested in how they may shape and reform some of my own beliefs.

Until next time.