Reasons To Believe In God

I would like to be one of the few to admit that I constantly struggle with the concept of God. I have spent countless hours debating whether there even is a God. I’m not really here to try and convince anyone that God exists, or try to make you believe that I have information that I simply do not have. While on some level, I am jealous of all the religious people out there that seem to have no doubts whatsoever, on other levels, I tend to feel that they are probably misleading themselves.

As stated before, my belief in God is based solely on observation of the world around me. I simply cannot shake the idea that the planet, and our own bodies seem to me, to have been designed. I just cannot buy the idea that everything ‘just happened’ to work out this way. To me, personally, that takes more faith to believe in than the idea of a God creating everything.

Now, recently I have spent some time pondering the nature of God. Specifically, this question, “If God really exists, why doesn’t he just let us know? Why not just tell us what it is that he wants?” Can we really be held responsible for not following God’s will, if it’s not clear what God wants from us? Are we really suppose to believe in one of several books written thousands of years ago by people who may or may not have communicated with God?

Well, as I lay in bed tonight, this popped into my mind, so try to imagine this if you will:

Imagine, that you are moments away from a fatal heart attack. How do you feel right now. Any chest pains? Feeling uncomfortable at all? How is your health? Are you aware of the possibility that you could, in fact, die at any moment. Someone, reading this right now, is probably going to die soon. Now, I’m not trying to scare you into religion, I just want your mindset to be the same as mine. I was lying in bed, when I started having pains. And I thought to myself..what if I were to die right now? It scared me a little bit. But more importantly, it made me realize something. It made me realize, that I’m just not the kind of person that likes to be unprepared. I OVER prepare for EVERYTHING. That’s the kind of person I am. And here I was, realizing, that I’m very unprepared to die.

So, the bottom line for me is this. When it’s my time, I don’t want to have any regrets or worries. I want to know that I put forth the time and effort to live a good life, and that I at least attempted to draw nearer to God. When I’m moments away from dying, I don’t want to be worried about what’s going to happen on the other side. I simply want to know that I’m prepared. That if there is no God and that’s just it, then fine. But, if there is a God, that I am prepared.

Thank you all, and I hope someone perhaps found this helpful.