How Christians should approach a Jewish Conversion

This is really only aimed toward my in-laws right. My wife has told her parents about our conversion, because we see them several times throughout the year. I have told my mother, we we see frequently, but not my father, whom I have not seen for at least a decade. My father is fanatically Christian. My wife’s father, I would rate is sub-fanatically Christian. Why have I not told my father? I was really hoping to save up money to visit, and tell him in person, as I felt this would be more respectful.

Back to the issue at hand. Our relationship with my in-laws has become more and more strained as of late. I understand their problem with our conversion. What I find aggravating is their approach to dealing with it…

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Are you really that terrible?

I found myself pondering this a few days ago:

Am I really such a horrible person, that God cannot even stand to look at me?

I was raised in a Christian home, and the Christian line of thinking seems to indicate that we’re all just terrible, horrible people that God can’t even look at. We’re that bad. Having beenĀ separatedĀ from the Christian way of thinking, this question came to me the other day. I mean, what is it that I’ve done, that is really so bad? Now, I’m not saying that I’m a saint, or that I’m completely without sin, but…

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Judaism and Conversion Part 1

I don’t believe I’ve ever specified my current position in the Jewish world. It’s been a while since my last blog entry and since I’m too lazy to re-read all of my old posts right now, I’ll just state it here. I was raised in a fairly strict Christian home, became an Atheist during / after college, then after having children, decided religion was something that was important and had value after all. After months and months of thinking, pondering, and research, I decided two things:

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