
A little bit about me. I was raised in what most would consider a fanatical Christian home in the great state of Texas. I participated in all sorts of Christian events, retreats, movements, even door-to-door evangelism at one point. Eventually, I grew tired and irritated with what seemed to be the Christian mindset, which was to simply accept everything you were told without question. And if you did question, the only answer I would receive was to have faith, or to simply believe in God. Logic? What’s that? That’s some science, unbeliever, mumbo-jumbo!

I joined the military at 19 and served for six years. I made many good friends there and learned some tough lessons. I made some good decisions, and many bad decisions. I got to see a number of exotic locations such as: Egypt, Germany, Oman, and Saudi Arabia.

After honorably exiting the military, I attended the University of Central Oklahoma (I made it really far from Texas didn’t I?), obtaining a degree in Computer Science. During this time I became an inactive Atheist. I spent a good deal of time rationalizing my atheism and coming up with convincing excuses. Just like it helps to maintain your beliefs when surrounded by others of your religion, it helps to maintain your atheism when surrounded by other atheists. It’s harder to feel wrong about something, when everyone you know thinks and feels the same way that you do.

Eventually I moved to Indiana, where I live currently. Now married to my beautiful wife, we had two children. At this time, I finally began to re-examine my beliefs. This time though, I did things differently. I started at the beginning. I looked at the world around me and objectively considered whether there was a God. I later learned what I consider to be a flaw in my thinking process, that I corrected this time around. I was starting with an answer, and trying to find evidence to base it on. The problem with religion is that you cannot come up with a viable answer that way. You need to start with the evidence, and reach a conclusion based on that evidence. This is still a scientific process. Previously I had been skipping a step, I hadn’t been doing research and then basing my hypothesis on that research. I had simply formed a hypothesis that I wanted to be true.

Finally, I decided there must be a God. The only thing left was to determine which religion I believed to be the most true. For reasons I won’t go into right now, I selected Judaism.

And that, is that.

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