The dying dream

I recently read an article on yahoo about a doctor who claims to have proof of an afterlife. I normally dismiss these as just mumbo jumbo, but part of it struck a chord of similarity with something I had recently experienced. The doctor explains that what he experienced was like being a consciousness in a specific location which is exactly what I had experienced at around the time of my reading the article in a dream.

Disclaimer: I’m not saying there is an afterlife. I’m not offering this as proof. I’m simply commenting on a dream that I had that doesn’t make much sense to me. Here it is:

At the start of the dream, it was completely dark. This later struck me as weird, as I expect the afterlife to be full of light, not pitch black. I would have thought that a normal dream about the afterlife would involve lots of light, but here, it was totally dark.

I instantly was aware that I wasn’t alive in this dream. And I experienced what can only be described as a very vivid realization that in this place, I was simply a consciousness at a specific location. I could look around. I could move my consciousness around. However, as weird as it might sounds, it was immediately clear that MOVE was the wrong word. I didn’t have the ability to move. Moving seemed to imply something physical. There was no physical movement. The word that seemed most correct was travel. I could travel between locations.

I started travelling down and lights became visible. I had the impression that it was a city, but the dream ended shortly after so I can’t really be sure. It wasn’t like city lights I’m accustomed to. The light started off purple and became more expansive as I neared. I seem to remember it changes colors also. Shimmering. It’s difficult to explain. Also, it seems odd that I knew which way ‘down’ was given that it was totally dark. I think it was simply down from my current perspective, but it might have been up. Who knows.

And that was it. Really short, but really vivid dream. Very strange!

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