So I ate a Frisco today

I’ve decided it must have been some kind of test, and probably I failed it. I always fail these kinds of tests. Let’s go over the entire story. It starts off easy enough. It starts with me, forgetting to bring my lunch. Fairly harmless. So, after working late, 2pm rolls around, and I’m fairly hungry. I decide…surely I’ve earned eating out. I rarely ever eat out, so today is the day! Spicy chicken from Wendy’s!  Woohoo! Sure, it’s not Kosher meat, but it doesn’t have cheese on it, and ..well…I like Spicy Chicken and it falls into my current religious diet. I haven’t specifically sworn off of meat, or onto Kosher meat, I just don’t eat pork, and I don’t eat meat and cheese together. So, spicky chicken is just fine!

Now, I start on my way and as soon as I turn onto the main street….completely backed up. We’re not going anywhere! No problem! I know where another Wendy’s is (every good Wendy’s addict does)!!!!  So I make a turnaround and head the opposite direction! Now, only slightly irritated, I’m back on track. Until I look in my rear view mirror and see….you guessed it..a police officer. Not that I have anything against police officers, I just don’t care for them driving directly behind me! Keeping in mind that I NEVER speed intentionally, the only time really that I’m ever above the speed-limit, is by complete accident.

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