Nature trail, Pics

We went to a state park nearby. I’m not sure that I’ve ever been to a state park, so I wasn’t really sure what to expect. For some reason, I suppose I expected it to be mostly the same as a normal park. Well, yeah. It’s not.

First, we walked along a nature trail (paved) lined on both sides by row after row of walnut trees.

One actually dropped a few feet ahead of us while we were walking! As you can see, the trees are fairly tall, so after this, I was constantly on guard, waiting for one of these large walnut shells to drop from eighty feet in the air and land on my head. Praise the lord, it never happened to any of us.

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God and nature

One of my beliefs, is that God has created a set of laws, that I think we typically refer to as nature. Maybe that’s not right, nature is nature. Natural laws? Is that better? I promise, someday I’ll find more time to more thoroughly cite and research these topics. But for now, you’ll just have to put up with it. So, natural laws. We’re basically talking about things like gravity, evaporation, surface tension, etc..

Now to continue my thought, God has created a set of laws, and he doesn’t step outside the bounds of the laws that he has created very often. We can take it for granted that the sun will rise every morning, and set every evening. That basic laws of nature / physics will continue to be true and not suddenly change on us. And, I think God is bound by these laws. Not because he has to be, but because he has decided to be.

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