So many blessings!

There seem to be too many blessings to learn. Or maybe, the problem is that I seem to want to learn them all at the same time, so I end up not learning any of them. It’s been very confusing for me, trying to figure out which blessings to learn when. So, I’m going to maybe help someone else out, and just say which blessings I’ve learned, and in which order. Also, something that has been difficult for me, is figuring out what blessings are said on a typical day, so that will be covered as well.

A typical day of blessings:

1. Say Shema when waking. There is actually another prayer you’re suppose to say, but I don’t know that one yet.

2. Say Hand Washing blessing

3. Say Torah Reading blessing

4. Read Torah

5. Say After-Torah Reading blessing

6. Go to work

7. Say hand washing blessing (at lunch)

8. Say Hamatzi (bread blessing) (at lunch)

9. Say hand washing blessing (at dinner)

10. Say Hamatzi (bread blessing) (at dinner)

11. Say Shema (before bed)

These are the ones that I know, there’s more that I don’t know, and I’ll fill these in as I learn them. Also, I’ll edit this to include the transliterations for the blessings and I might as well throw in the hebrew text also.

Stay Tuned!

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