Religion vs. School Sports

How am I ever to balance my children’s school activities with our personal religious goals? I really want to attend services Friday night / Saturday morning. However, these directly conflict with most typical school activities that our children are going to be enrolled in. Fortunately I haven’t had too much difficulty here as the two children that live with me are too young, but my daughter (who doesn’t live with me) is in Cheer and cheers at games saturday mornings. During services of course. How are we to attend services and attend all of these school events? Is the only option to move to Israel where these events (I would assume) would be held on Sunday? Surely there must be another answer.

The only thing that I can come up with right now though, is that saturday morning services are simply going to fall to the wayside as our children get more and more involved in school activities. I dislike this, but I’m not sure what to do about it. As a child, I never had the opportunity to attend extra-cirricular activities, or parents who were interested in pressing me to do so. So, it’s important for me that my children do..something……I don’t care what it is, but they will most definitely be involved in something. This was a decision that I made long before I started looking back into religion and before I decided to become a Jew.

Maybe one of my non-existent readers has an answer for me, until then, I’ll just continue struggling to come up with a better answer all on my own.

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