armageddon and you

This isn’t really a jewish concept, armageddon that is, but the likelihood of such an even seems almost unavoidable. Given the current rate of population growth, we were already scheduled to surpass our food supply quite some time ago. The threshold where we no longer produce enough food for the number of humans on the planet. We have scientific breakthroughs to thank for raising that threshold due to genetic engineering raising crop yields by 300%, but that isn’t going to last forever. There is a finite amount of space to grow food on, and a finite amount of space for us humans to live in. It’s simple supply and demand economics. We’re eventually headed toward a catastrophic event that will likely wipe out a large portion of the world’s population. I’m not saying that the almighty one will come back at that time and rule the earth, as predicted in the Christian bible, but simply that an event of that nature seems likely.

So rather than run in fear, I would suggest everyone begin to make preparations. I’m not preaching that the apocalypse is nigh, but rather a few generations off. You should begin preparing for your descendants, not for yourselves. That’s not to say that such an event cannot happen at any time. It’s not difficult to see the effects of over-crowding. Unusual stories of murders and crazy psychopaths eating someone’s face are becoming more and more common. It’s easy to think that perhaps these things always happened this frequently, but that’s simply not true. The rate of these occurrences has risen drastically in recent years and I believe it is a simple side-effect of overpopulation.

What can we do? The optimal solution feels like we should create an island refuge somewhere remote to weather out the storm and then come back when it’s all over. Hiding? Yes, definately. That aside, there are lots of remote locations, even here in the United States that would be a perfect location to lay-low. Alaska for example. Not quite an island paradise, but better than New York City for your shelter location.

Learning some basic survival skills might also be a good idea. Be able to determine what kinds of plants are edible and which are poisonous. Know how to create basic traps. The more civilized we become, the farther away we distance ourselves from these basic concepts. We can program our iPhone, but we cannot put together a simple snare trap to capture food.

Hopefully I’m wrong and this day will never come. This is something I wouldn’t mind being wrong about. Either way, good luck to you all.